Your Rights as a Student


You as a student at Housatonic Academy have the right to…

  •         The same basic civil and legal rights as all citizens.
  •         Be treated with courtesy and dignity and to have your privacy and confidentiality

assured and protected to the greatest extent possible.

  •         Be treated in an appropriate manner to meet your individualized needs.
  •         An Individualized Crisis Management Plan and education plan.
  •         Help create your Individualized Crisis Management Plan and education plan.
  •         Know what records will be kept on your behavior and progress at Housatonic


  •         Have access to call parents/guardians, advocates, social workers, agency collaterals

or attorney during their lunch/recess period, with the permission of staff.


At intake to the assigned campus, the individual served and their parent or guardian will receive a copy of their campus’ handbook.  The handbook covers the procedures related to the specific campus and needs of the population.  If at this time the individual served is disoriented or lacks capacity to understand their rights, he or she will be issued and informed again when he or she is able to understand the materials and information.

Your Responsibilities As a Student

While at Housatonic Academy, you must follow certain guidelines that will help to teach you the following skills:

  •         To respect yourself, other students, staff and teachers.
  •         To follow instructions and directions.
  •         To respect the personal space and belongings of others.
  •         To follow the daily schedule and routine.
  •         To communicate with staff so they know where you are at all times.
  •         To report all safety issues or concerns to staff.
  •         To maintain good personal hygiene.
  •         To comply immediately with any staff request regarding safety.
  •         Cooperate with the goals of your Individualized Education Plan
  •         To follow all school and classroom rules
  •         To understand and follow Daily Expectations and Consequence


At intake to the assigned campus, the individual served and their parent or guardian will receive a copy of their campus’ handbook.  The handbook covers the procedures related to the specific campus and needs of the population.  If at this time the individual served is disoriented or lacks capacity to understand their rights, he or she will be issued and informed again when he or she is able to understand the materials and information.